The BoroGuide Opinion

Once More Unto The Breach

Turns out the G-Smiffy All Stars aren’t giving this playoff chase up without a fight and one of those “yeeeee-haaaas” you often hear in Harlow. Boro’ caused pain, suffering and a little bit of embarrassment to Yeovil Town on Saturday down in the West Country – now its time to …

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The Monday Rant: Technology

We are certainly never one to miss a bandwagon here at BoroGuide. Especially if it moves nice and slowly, while offering a free in-flight beer and pie (terms and conditions, as they will no doubt tell you, do apply). It comes, therefore, as no surprise to learn that we are …

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Pre-Match Toffee

Stevenage is fast becoming the Football League club you can set your watch, or associated timepiece, to. The moment that Boro’ put the ball in the back of the net, you can be sure it is 3.58pm (on Saturdays) or 9.41pm (on weekdays). And always in time to make a …

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Nobody Likes Change

I worked for my previous employer for 10 years. I’d been through an apprenticeship there, learnt my trade there and was comfortable there. I knew my role inside out, knew everybody and had a lot of friends. Then the company hired a new manager who tried to shake things up …

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The Preston Factor

It’s not the usual type of Monday. As we’ve not had to force ourselves from our bed at what can only be described as an ungodly hour, we’re less inclined to rant. Having said that, this Easter bank holiday presents us with the much-anticipated return of ex-manager Graham Westley. Many …

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A Bad Day At The Proverbial…

The Football League Show isn’t a programme we’ll be watching tonight. Horror isn’t really our cup of tea here at BoroGuide and we’d sooner watch Saw 3 before we contemplate the  scenes of a quite disturbing nature that were Tranmere’s goals yesterday. At least it wasn’t full price on the …

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Unwavering Optimism And All That Jazz…

The nation, it seems, remains gripped by talk and paranoia over the possibility of a striking crisis. Are they referring to the petrol tanker drivers, or the fact that Stevenage are without a number of their front men for the trip to Tranmere. We know which is more important to …

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Dean Martin is a lad that we remember rather fondly; a tenacious midfielder signed by Richard Hill in 1999 and played two seasons for us. Ish...

Dean Martin

Dean Martin is a lad that we remember rather fondly; a tenacious midfielder brought in by Dickie Hill in 1999 and played two seasons for us. Well – two-ish. That’s because his time with us was usually limited to the second half of a season. Each year, he’d be heading …

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The Monday Rant: Groundhog Day

Another weekend ends, another Monday begins. And yet there is a familiarity about things at the moment that has entrenched us in this endless, repetitive loop of draws, late Carlisle winners and head scratching: Just how do we win? With it, annoyingly, remain the calls of some for drastic management …

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Wycombe Wondering

It’s such a lovely day again, isn’t it? In fact, we just went for a particularly pleasant stroll in and around Hitchin. Yep, “pleasant” and “Hitchin” in the same sentence. Groundbreaking. While we were out, we caught sight of a butterfly. Its wings were red and white with a little …

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