Late Night Thinkings

Category Archive

Every Second Counts

Sometimes you just need to pinch yourself to make sure that it’s really happening. After an unexpected appearance in the playoffs last season, we here at BoroGuide had been looking for a nice calm season. One in which we consolidated our position and ensured we are now considered a bone …

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Crewe Cuts

In an attempt to boost our readership and popularity, it seemed the best way to do so was to blog at 2.20am on a Saturday morning. It’s an interesting approach and we don’t think it will catch on. But we’re always willing to try something new. By the time you …

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One Four The Money…

Snarf. Did you see what we did there? Southampton came, saw and conquered. The third round awaits for the Saints; the soul-searching begins for the Boro’. The score might give one impression of tonight’s game, but the actual game wasn’t necessarily so clear cut. The best team, however, won at …

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