Up The Borough: Blast From The Past

By BoroGuide

Here we are once again, fresh with the latest offerings from our trawl through the newspaper archives at the British Library. Our aim, as ever, is to bring you a little peak into our club’s history – and where it all started for Stevenage Football Club. Boro’s four-zero in 2016 has set us on the path charting those early years. It’s 2017 these days, so now we head into 1977. And what a darling album by Ash that was. Here, our latest offering answers that age old question: “What’s in a name?” From The Comet, the story here – “Up The Borough”.

Of course, we wish to point out with big feckin’ bells and whistles on that credit here is due to The Comet and the author (where featured). Oh, and the bound nature of the newspapers we’ve been ploughing through means we might not be able to get the full article. We’ll fill them in to the best of our knowledge, though – after all, you’d think we’d get the context by now…


Article: Up The Borough! Up The Borough: Blast From The Past

Stevenage FC, the club bidding to restore senior soccer to the town, have changed their name to Stevenage Borough FC.

Says official Vic Folbigg: “The suggestion came from the Borough Council and we were pleased to agree to the change. The Council are in support of our aims to restore senior football to the people of Stevenage.”

Unattributed, The Comet – 20 January 1977

And, there you go. It’s short and it’s sweet. But, now you know where the name Boro’ came from. And, despite the best efforts of yer wan who dug the trench along the Broadhall Way pitch, restore senior football Stevenage Borough FC did. Our path through the formative years of Boro’ have thrown up more bits and bobs like this. It has also let us find out a lot more about the 1979-80 campaign – one that could, in fact, actually be the first for the club as we know it. We’re still filtering this through, but intend to get it available soon.