
Last Updated: 04 August 2020

A Load Of Old Toffee Cover (Small)

ALOOT Live [Part Two]

In times when we can all do with a reet good laugh, we’ve decided to resurface the special live A Load Of Old Toffee – starring Graham Westley. This special edition of the podcast is all done in the name of charity. So, come and join host Steve Watkins for …

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In the last few years, you can argue the season – Boro's season – doesn't officially end until after the Mitchell Cole Tournament takes place

More Success For The Mitchell Cole Tournament

In the last few years, you can argue the season – Boro’s season – doesn’t officially end until after the Mitchell Cole Tournament takes place. Now with its seventh edition all done and dusted, kitman Keith Bell’s brainchild is continuing to clock up funds for Cardiomyopathy UK. We talked to …

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Del Boy Oil Rig - Football To Amsterdam 2016

Football To Amsterdam 2016

For the third year in a row, a team of cyclists representing Stevenage Football Club are taking part in the Football To Amsterdam Challenge 2016. With a total of eight fans taking part, Boro’ will be among the best represented teams on the road – not as many as Ipswich and their 43, but …

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A Load Of Old Toffee (2020)

ALOOT Live [Part Two, Uncensored]

In times when we can all do with a reet good laugh, we’ve decided to resurface the special live A Load Of Old Toffee – starring Graham Westley. This special edition of the podcast is all done in the name of charity. So, come and join host Steve Watkins for …

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Willow 10K: ALOOT Gets Physical

Now that A Load Of Old Toffee has been interrupting your commute for over a year now, it is time for us to prove that we can do more than gather in a closed huddle and talk the talk. Steve, Dean, Mark and Pete will actually be walking the walk …

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