2011-2 FA Cup Run


By Pete H

In the absence of football, it means we get to pick and choose what we watch. And that’s good, because it ain’t always a laugh. The 2011-2 FA Cup saw us break boundaries as a club; reaching the fifth round for the first time. And then bloodying the nose of Tottenham Hotspur‘s megastars in the process. And we pulled off a few ‘surprise’ results en route to White Hart Lane too.

It’s a far cry from all those times when, particularly as a non-league side, we were hoping and praying for a path through to Round Three. Or even Round One when we were still a Diadora League club. And, in many ways, the 2011-2 FA Cup was our reward for all those times we bombed out in the Fourth Qualifying Round after replays at Nuneaton, Kettering or somewhere else we’d much rather forget.

If you’re suffering from football withdrawal symptoms, here’s a video to warm the cockles. Whoever put it together has done a ruddy good job too.

Watch: Stevenage FC 2011-2 FA Cup Run