
Last Updated: 23 September 2020

We're no strangers to getting on the wrong side of others. And we've wound up some teams more than most – such as these five Stevenage rivals...

Stevenage Rivals

We’re no strangers to getting on the wrong side of others over the years. And we’ve wound up some teams more than most – such as these five Stevenage rivals. And that feeling is, of course, mutual. You aren’t proper rivals if the irrational hatred doesn’t flow both ways – …

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Match Preview – Cambridge United v Stevenage (18 Jan 2020): The Bridge on the River Cam

The Bridge On The River Cam

Now stuck deeper in the brown stuff and hoping a trip up to Cambridge can give us a straw to clutch. It’s a hard knock life, innit? Let’s face it – the Us won’t be hangin’ around in trying to make things even worse for us than they are already. …

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Cambridge United v Stevenage: A 'Bridge (Not) Too Far...

A ‘Bridge (Not) Too Far

As far as ‘bridges go, we don’t mind so much the Ux, Staly or even Stour sorts. At least, we don’t tend to mind ’em more often than not. And we’re even partial to the ol’Tower one down in that London too. But Cam? Ooh, no; we’re not really so hot …

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Stevenage v Cambridge United: Draw it how you like, it's still not a *proper* derby in our eyes...

Win, U’s Or Draw?

As ding-dong derby days go, the idea of Cambridge United makes us shrug our shoulders as if we’ve suddenly come over all French. Mais oui, there have been a few choice battles between us cool kids and dem nerds now and then; some tasty shizzle went down back in our shared Conference …

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FIFA 18 Verdict: Cambridge United (H)

Cambridge United (Home): FIFA 18 Verdict

Just when you thought our FIFA 18 Verdict might have struck gold, Mansfield equalised. Our beef with Boro’s midweek draw is not so much our failure to rise another couple of places in the table than we ultimately have (three instead of one). No, it’s more that our poor, maligned …

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Stevenage v Cambridge United: The circus is back in town...

Send In The Clowns…

Oh look, the circus is back in town! If you make any link with the fact that our next game is against Cambridge United indoors, that’s all on you. We have every inch of respect for our near and, let’s face it, less enlightened neighbours. That sentence nearly escaped from …

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Cambridge United v Stevenage: U's Don't Bring Me Flowers...

U’s Don’t Bring Me Flowers…

How was your Christmas? It could seem weird for us to ask that now, we know, but we’re keen to find out. Did you have to put up with barely-welcome guests who did nothing but take liberties in the comfort of your own gaff? Folks, that’s Cambridge United to a tee. Back in the times before …

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Stevenage v Cambridge United: Have We Got U's For You

Have We Got U’s For You

Ho, ho, fakin’ ho – glad tidings, season’s greetings and whatever else you might want off us this Christmas. As long as it’s under a fiver, mind. Now we’ve hit upon the right festive note to begin, let’s do just that. Begin. And we start with the news that it’s the first …

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Us Line Is It Anyway

U’s Line Is It Anyway?

If it’s true that you’re only as good as your last game, then we must be laughing this weekend. Back on the winning trail after an uplifting result at Hartlepool United midweek, Stevenage are heading back to the Lamex this weekend – though it seems we are dragging something in with us …

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No Time Like The Present, Right?

Morning everyone. It’s a strange one, but we’re almost willing to overlook last weekend’s 3-2 defeat at Plymouth – the Pilgrims sit pretty at the top of the table, while we’ve struggled to keep our head above water for most of the campaign. It wasn’t much of a surprise that we …

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