Do You Want To Write For BoroGuide?

By BoroGuide

Life Of Brian: Write for BoroGuide?

Well, do you?

Now, we ain’t mucking about with this – it’s a bone fide offer and open to anyone of you who might be interested. If you’re a Boro’ fan, this season has – let’s say – provided plenty of food for thought on and off the pitch. No? That means there’s a fair few of you with opinions worth sharing, so BoroGuide is here to help make that happen if you think that includes you.


How to write for BoroGuide…

We feel obliged to cut to the chase before we even begin – we’re not able to cross your palms with silver coins for the pleasure of your fine insights. If cold hard cash is more your thing, have a gander at these Tiki Island slot bonuses for your fiscal gain. Otherwise, we deal in a purely existential currency of appreciation and mutual respect. And our exchange rate is favourable.

Now that’s cleared up, here’s what we can offer: an online soapbox on which we’ll give you a leg up onto and let you say what comes to your mind. If you want to wax lyrical about Ian King’s throw-in style, go for it; Darren Fenton’s shoddy free-kicks? Absolutely. All we ask is that you try and stretch it out to 300 words. But don’t go too far in the other direction.

After all, we can’t guarantee people will read a 1,400-word thesis on Boro’s pitch maintenance techniques.

What else? Oh yes, we’ll give your words a boost on our Twitbook and Facespace profiles. Once published, use your pieces in any way you want. CVs, portfolios, bragging rights – we don’t really mind, as long as you don’t bloody libel anyone who’s in a position to sue us. The BoroGuide Business Empire hasn’t exactly got off the ground, so our legal fund is looking a bit bare.

Are we getting anything out of it? Not especially – keeps the blog ticking over, we reckon. Brings in a few visitors. But we just want the voice of someone else to be heard, not just ours. If you think that’s you, get in touch with us today with suggestions – we’ll probably say “yes” to whatever. Email editor[at]boroguide[dot]co[dot]uk and you could write for BoroGuide today…