“Every election is determined by the people who show up” – Larry J. Sabato
We know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking a) who is Larry J. Sabato; b) why are we quoting him; and c) what has it got to with anything? The answers (in no particular order) are “no idea”, “no idea” and “it’s partly relevant as you’ll soon find out”. You might have heard of the Football Blogging Awards, you see, and BoroGuide would very much like something to put on our CV; one that currently resembles a blank piece of paper because it is, in fact, a blank piece of paper.
And there’s also A Load Of Old Toffee, that really does deserve to win the podcast category without any debate.
But this is a democratic process and this is where you come in. We need you to show up because we have an election to determine. And you have until midnight on Friday.
How do you vote? Like this. You can do it via Twitter, Facebook and the FBA website itself. We’ll start with Twitter, and all you need to do is click both of the following sentences:
• Tweet: I’m voting for @boroguide in the #club category @TheFBAs
• Tweet: I’m voting for @oldtoffee in the #podcast category @TheFBAs
If you prefer to use Facebook or the website, we’re told that it’s a form – that means its a case of putting our names in the right categories. Other categories? Well, you could vote UKIP if you really want to…